
Urs Keller

Andrew Holmes

Andrew has been teaching the 5 Rhythms for more than twenty-five years. He studied extensively with Gabrielle Roth, and runs workshops in many countries. For twenty years he also worked as a theatre director, and his workshop The Holy Actor, which combines the embodied aliveness of the dance with the transforming freedom of improvised theatre, has become … Read more

Jonathan Horan

Jonathan is Gabrielle Roth’s son and closest collaborator. He has been immersed in the 5Rhythms® throughout his life and continues to be a key catalyst in its evolution. „From the mountains and oceans of Big Sur to the skyscrapers and theatres of NYC, I grew up in extremes and learned a deep respect for the wilderness that is both … Read more

Urs Keller

Urs Keller

Maps Waves Sprachen DeutschEnglisch Tanzt seit 2010 Unterrichtet seit 2018 5RTA (Info) Mitglied +41 79 748 30 22urs@urskeller.ch facebook.com/UrsKeller5R Tanzen war schon immer ein wesentlicher Teil meines Lebens. Mehrmals pro Woche zog es mich in die Clubs, angezogen von der pulsierenden Atmosphäre und der Verheissung uneingeschränkten Tanzens. Doch trotz der pulsierenden Beats und der Menge fühlten … Read more
